Classes and Digital Interventions Focused on Health and Wellbeing
Classes are focused on a specific presenting problem, illness, diagnosis or life situation. Classes offer psychoeducation, skills training, and resources but they do not go in depth with a participants specific presentation. In therapy you may learn similar skills and gain similar psychoeducation but it would be more tailored to you and your circumstance. There is no therapeutic relationship if you participate in a class as it is for educational purposes only.
The Pain Class
In this 4 hour class learn about:
1) Types of pain and the brain on pain. Specifically, why pain becomes persistent for some people.
2) What in daily life can negatively impact perception of pain and what you can do about it.
3) Tools to assess aspects of your mental health that may be negatively impacting pain and if so, resources to try to address these.
4) Psychological and behavioral skills to better manage pain.
5) Skills to attempt to re-wire your brain away from persistent pain.
6) Resources for further learning on persistent pain.
In this class you will gain the education and skills that you would get from engaging in traditional pain psychotherapies like Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Chronic Pain and Pain Reprocessing Therapy. You will quickly have the information you need to start moving forward from pain. This is a traditional class format so you won't be asked to disclose anything about yourself or your pain unless you choose to do so. Questions will be gathered before and after class from participants. Questions gathered before class will be answered during class and all other questions will be answered via email. There is also an opportunity for further individual consultation/check ins with Dr. Hunsaker on your pain if needed at an additional cost.
Cost: $200
Next Class: TBD in Bozeman, MT​ or virtual
The Sleep Class
In this 4 hour class learn about:
1) What regulates sleep and why insomnia becomes chronic for some people.
2) What in daily life can negatively impact sleep and what you can do about it.
3) Tools to assess aspects of your mental health that may be negatively impacting sleep and if so, resources to address these.
4) Psychological and behavioral skills to get better sleep.
5) Sleep diary review by Dr. Hunsaker and recommendations at the end of class.
In this class you will gain the education and skills that you would get from engaging in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia. You will quickly have the information you need to start the process of sleeping better. This is a traditional class format. You will not be asked to discuss your sleep or personal details unless you choose to do so. Questions regarding insomnia and sleep will be gathered before and after the class. Questions gathered before will be answered during the class and any other questions will be answered after class via email. There is also an opportunity for further individual consultation/check ins on your sleep with Dr. Hunsaker if needed at an additional cost.
Cost: $200
Next Class: Friday November 22nd, 12-4pm Mountain Standard Time